News & Press

31st March 2020

News flash: Gaia and allies launch new film ‘Custodians of Life’

Dear Friends, In these troubled times we are delighted to bring you a story of hope, courage and restoration from our global network. Released today, our new film, Custodians of Life- reviving culture and… Read More

19th March 2020

Coronavirus, Rewilding and Oat Quest – Gaia’s Equinox Newsletter

Dear Friends, Spring is here in the Northern Hemisphere. But while the blossom and leaves are emerging, many of us are staying in to try and halt the global spread… Read More

20th December 2018

Happy Solstice and Christmas Season from The Gaia Foundation

Taken from our latest newsletter, to close Gaia’s year, Gaia’s Director Liz Hosken offers reflections for the solstice season and shares poetry, photos and video of some of this year’s… Read More