Talk & Events

European Mining Boom: a global extraction campaign
Traducción al español a continuación. The European Commission is ramping up plans for the expansion of mining in Europe for critical minerals and metals, as part of plans for a ‘green’ new deal. But what does increasing EU demand mean for countries in the Global South that are rich in 'critical' minerals and metals? In the third and final part of this YLNM webinar series exploring the potential implications of this new mining boom in Europe and beyond, we will examine: 1) The international impacts of the EU's green growth and raw materials policies; 2) How the EU and European nations are pursuing a trade advantage to access minerals and metals; 3) The impacts, current and projected, of critical mineral and... Read More
Catch Up On Past Events

Until 1st March 2021
European Mining Boom: Plans and Policies
Traduccíon Castellano debajo. The European Commission is ramping up plans for the expansion of mining in Europe for critical minerals and metals, as part of plans for a ‘green’ new… Read More

Until 20th January 2021
Our Seeds are our Stories: Seed Week event
Join the Seed Sovereignty Programme for an evening of exploring the connections between seeds, stories, culture and hope for the future. Buy/book your tickets here. For many of us, our… Read More

Until 30th November 2020
The European mining boom: rhetoric vs reality
Traduccíon en castellano debajo The European Commission is ramping up plans for the expansion of mining in Europe for critical minerals and metals, as part of plans for a ‘green’… Read More

Until 29th September 2020
Webinar- The Right to Say No: European Struggles and Successes
Register now (required): Europe faces a massive increase in mining in the years to come, as the EU and national governments seek to repatriate mining operations and secure domestic… Read More