News & Press

24th November 2021

Decolonising stories: New animations from the African Earth Jurisprudence Collective

“(We need) the voices of those who can see alternatives to how we live now, and can see through our fear-stricken society and its obsessive technologies, to other ways of… Read More

8th January 2021

Videos: Gaia at the Global Oxford Real Farming Conference

Catch up with videos from Gaia and partners’ contributions to the global Oxford Real Farming Conference this January! From the fisherpeople conserving Taiwan’s flying fish to the growers sowing seed… Read More

10th November 2020

OUT NOW: We Feed the World book launched

We are delighted to announce the launch of a brand new photo book from The Gaia Foundation- We Feed The World: A celebration of smallholder farmers and fishing communities. Untold stories Through… Read More

7th September 2020

We Feed the World – a global photographic project

From the icy waters of Northern Sweden to the humid depths of the Amazon rainforest, We Feed the World explores the triumphs of small-scale farmers and fisher-people who feed themselves and others… Read More

1st March 2020

Snowchange: Training the next generation of ice fishermen

In a new interactive story, Gaia’s Finnish partner organisation the Snowchange Cooperative share their efforts to train young people in Finland’s ancient ice-fishing traditions, as the impacts of climate change… Read More

2nd September 2019

Koitajoki – New film explores unique Finnish river traditions

“A river has a message of its own.” Gaia’s Finnish partners the Snowchange Cooperative have released a new film – Koitajoki. Named after the iconic Finnish-Russian river, the film explores… Read More

26th July 2019

The Ecologist: Uruguay hosts first ocean conference

Find out how Uruguayan movements and our partners Oceanosanos are leading the way to protect the rich and incredibly diverse water of the South Atlantic from Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated fishing and… Read More

11th September 2018

In Photos: Indigenous and traditional fishers gather for Festival of Northern Fisheries

Endangered fish species, ‘mackerel wars’ and warming oceans. These phenomena often make global headlines, and rightly so. Our oceans, rivers, lakes and the diversity of life they support face unparalleled… Read More

11th January 2018

A new alliance to protect marine biodiversity in the southern Atlantic

The Southwest Atlantic has one of the world’s richest marine environments. Myriad species depend on its health to survive, from marine mammals, such as dolphins, elephant seals and sperm whales,… Read More