News & Press

7th July 2020


In this article our Finnish partners Snowchange announce the launch of a new, world-leading effort to re-wild the Finnish-Russian Koitajoki River System using a combination of science and traditional knowledge…. Read More

8th January 2020

Documentary: The Finnish village restoring climate-critical ecosystems

“Humans will only succeed by pulling together.” In a new 12-minute mini-documentary from BBC Newsnight, Tero Mustonen, from Gaia partner organisation the Snowchange Cooperative, shares how Finnish villagers from Selkie… Read More

17th December 2019

Rewilding Finland after mining

Originally published by REDweb and The Ecologist, this story from Gaia’s Finnish partner organisation the Snowchange Cooperative explores how the community of Selkie is leading the restoration of rivers, lakes… Read More

2nd September 2019

Koitajoki – New film explores unique Finnish river traditions

“A river has a message of its own.” Gaia’s Finnish partners the Snowchange Cooperative have released a new film – Koitajoki. Named after the iconic Finnish-Russian river, the film explores… Read More

29th August 2019

Jukajoki: a Finnish river thrives again

Ten years ago, in North Karelia, Finland, fishermen from the village of Selkie woke to find thousands of fish floating belly up in the Jukajoki River, killed by pollution released… Read More

17th June 2019

Northern light: an update from Gaia’s Finnish partners

Gaia’s Finnish partners the Snowchange Cooperative share an update on their work this summer, including the return of wild birds to restored wetlands, new areas set for re-wilding and a… Read More