News & Press

6th April 2020

Earth Jurisprudence: law for an animate Earth

How could a sea-change in our legal system, from a human to an Earth-centred approach, help re-balance the broken relationship many societies have with Nature? Carlotta Byrne, Gaia’s Earth Jurisprudence… Read More

19th March 2020

Roque Roldán: tribute to a quiet champion of Indigenous rights

The story of Colombian lawyer Roque Roldán is one of remarkable commitment to territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities (or ‘territories of life’). In his shy… Read More

2nd April 2019

Rights of Nature gain ground in Uganda’s Legal System

In an exciting new precedent, Nature’s fundamental rights to be, to habitat, to evolve and regenerate are now formally recognised in Uganda’s new National Environmental Act (2019)! This huge achievement… Read More

9th October 2017

Revive, Decolonise, Transform: Meet Africa’s First Earth Jurisprudence Graduates

At a colourful ceremony blessed by elders from the Kikuyu, Maasai and Tharaka Tribes, Africa’s first ever group of Earth Jurisprudence (EJ) practitioners graduated this July. Comprised of lawyers, educators,… Read More

7th September 2011

Biowatch takes on corporate monopoly in the seed sector

In landmark ruling, NGOs intervene at South Africa’s Competition Tribunal to avoid takeover of South Africa’s seed industry. Biowatch was notified on Friday 20th August that it has been granted… Read More