Almashev, C., ‘Cultural Crossroads‘, 255 Resurgence (July/August 2009)
Gunn, A., & Thornton, C., Gaia report on ‘Sacred Sites: An Overview’ (2007)
Gaia Foundation and African Biodiversity Network, A Call for the Legal Recognition of Sacred Natural Sites and Territories, and their Customary Governance Systems (2015)
Hosken, L., ‘Potent Places‘, 255 Resurgence (July/August 2009)
Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities Conserved Areas and Territories ICCA Toolkit 2012
Institute for Culture and Ecology, Gaia Foundation and African Biodiversity Network, Recognising Sacred Natural Sites and Territories in Kenya, 2012
Lutzenberger, L., ‘Closer to the Sky‘, 255 Resurgence (July/August 2009)
NAPE and the Gaia Foundation, Mining and its Impacts on Water, Food Sovereignty and Sacred Natural Sites and Territories 2014
Verschuuren, B., Wild, R., McNeely J. and Oviedo G. (eds.), ‘Sacred Natural Sites: Conserving Nature and Culture’, Earthscan (2010)
Reconnecting with the Sacred 2014 film by MELCA-Ethiopia
Revival 2015 film by MELCA Ethiopia and The Gaia Foundation
Sacred Voices 2012 film by the African Biodiversity Network and Gaia Foundation
Standing on Sacred Ground films 2014 by Christopher McLeod
Yaigoje Apaporis – traditional knowledge at the heart of protecting the Colombian Amazon 2014 by Association of Leaders of the Yaigoje Apaporis, Gaia Amazonas and Gaia Foundation