Brand, S., The Clock of the Long Now: Time and Responsibility – The Ideas Behind the World’s Slowest Computer, (Basic Books, 2000)
Crompton, T., Common Cause: A Case for Working with our Cultural Values, (WWF, 2010)
Griffith, J., Pip-Pip: A Sideways Look at Time, (Flamingo, 2000)
Ipsos MORI opinion poll on the British public in November 2011, commissioned by the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development and Intergenerational Foundation
Roderick P., ‘Taking the Long View: UK Governance Options for a Finite Planet’ (2010)
The International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School, ‘Models for Protecting the Environment for Future Generations‘, Science and Environmental Health Network (October 2008)
Ward, H., ‘Learning from the Hungarian Parliamentary Commissioner for Future Generations‘ UKELA’s Electronic Journal, E-law, (November 2009)
Ministry for Future Generations
Gaia Evening in collaboration with Alliance for Future Generations, ‘Our Legacy, Our Future: UK Governance Options for a Finite Planet’, with Peter Roderick, Halina Ward, Dr Janos Zlinszky and Philippe Sands QC, June 2011 – a short film.
Prince EA – ‘Dear Future Generations, I’m Sorry’ video