“We are turning the tide on the history of loss in our own lands.”
In the first instalment in Gaia’s global Stories of Resilience series, our Kenyan colleague Simon Mitambo describes how his community in Tharaka, Kenya, have built their resilience to shocks like COVID-19 by reviving traditional knowledge, seed diversity and rituals that bring the community together in times of need.
Read an interactive version of Coming back to life in Tharaka, here:
Stories of Resilience
Gaia’s Stories of Resilience series, published in partnership with The Ecologist, explores how frontline communities around the planet are navigating the multiple, interconnected crises we face.
Told firsthand by community members like Simon, these Stories of Resilience tell us how communities are protecting some of our planet’s most precious ecosystems, striving for the food and seed sovereignty taht underpin the health of our food systems and making efforts to revive and enhance ecological forms of community self-governance.
These stories reveal, each in their own way, the critical need for grounded, holistic responses to climate change, social injustice and gross inequality. They assert the reality that communities at the grassroots are often Nature’s best custodians and our best guides for re-establishing mutually respectful ways of living in harmony with more-than-human Nature, and amongst ourselves.
Find out more about this new series in an introductory article by Gaia’s Director, Liz Hosken and Million Belay of the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa.