Gaia’s Equinox Update

This weekend we celebrated the Equinox, ushering in spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and autumn in the south.

As is our custom at times of equinox and solstice, we have taken a little time to reflect on the work that has been done in recent months, and the achievements of our partner organisations and allied communities around our living planet.

In the article below, we share some of our highlights from the year so far, including:

  • Urban seed sovereignty: a new film exploring this movement and why it matters
  • Earth Jurisprudence in Africa: new, powerful voices for an Earth-centred shift across the continent
  • Yes to Life, No to Mining: tools, case studies and analysis to counter the rise in metal mining

We offer these short reflections on the importance of regenerative, restorative, healing work with and for our planet at a time when war, crisis and division are devastatingly present in the lives of many of our brothers and sisters of all species across the world.

In particular, we stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, Syria, Yemen and every other war-torn land. As well as with the countless communities and species being forced to migrate due to the intensifying impacts of climate change, which threatens to worsen conflicts of all kinds.

We leave you with a quote from great eco-poet Gary Snyder:

“If the secret heart of this Growth-Monster stays secret and our work is made no easier, I for one will keep working for wildness day by day.”

Warmest wishes,

The Gaia Team


Image Credit – Andy Pilsbury

Offering trainings in seed saving, supporting community groups and connecting with seed networks across Europe, our Seed Sovereignty Team continues to be at the vanguard of the revival of our seed system in the UK and Ireland. They’ve now up-skilled well over 500 people in seed saving and growing!

In January, we held our fifth annual seed week to celebrate this work and brilliant seed custodians across these isles. As part of that week of action, we released our new film, A Quiet Revolution, which reached over 6000 people.

Produced by award-winning photographer and filmmaker Andy Pilsbury, the 8-minute film gives London-based growers and activists a platform to share their work and explain why urban seed and food networks, and the green spaces they maintain, play a vital role in the revival of a diverse and resilient seed system.

Have you watched our film yet? If not…



Photo credit – Goutham Krishna – Unsplash.

“From an Earth Jurisprudence perspective, no one species or element of the ecosystem is dominant or central. The wellbeing of the Earth as a whole is primary.”

For eight years, Gaia has been running a UN-recognised series of ‘Trainings for Transformation’, through which budding African leaders are becoming champions for reviving Earth-centred African cultural traditions in their home communities.

One of the graduates of these trainings, Method Gundidza, is now becoming a globally respected voice on Earth Jurisprudence. He recently wrote a brilliant article on the meaning and importance of Earth Jurisprudence and Indigenous cultural revivals across Africa for The Daily Maverick, a leading South African news site.

We are thrilled that Method has this platform to share his inspiring work. We encourage you to read, share and celebrate his work with us.

Learn more about Method’s inspiring work in our latest animation:




Photo Credit – Markus Spiske – Unsplash

Gaia is a proud member of Yes to Life, No to Mining (YLNM) – a global solidarity network of and for Indigenous Peoples, impacted communities, local organisations, and networks who are standing up for their Right to Say No to Mining.

Since its launch in 2014, YLNM has supported its members around the world to protect precious ecosystems from mining destruction and to advance their own, non/post-extractive ways of living. With members on every inhabited continent, the network continues to go from strength-to-strength, which is vital at a time when mining is expanding globally.

YLNM recently launched a new website which aims to equip individuals, communities and organisations with tools to resist mining, cutting edge post-extractive analysis, and more.

If you’re concerned about the extractive assault on our living planet…




Image taken from ‘Land of the Bees’ Animation by Tim Hawkins.

“We are turning the tide on a history of loss in our own lands.”

Gaia’s long-time partner Simon Mitambo, another graduate from our Earth Jurisprudence ‘Trainings for Transformation’, is doing inspiring work with the Indigenous Tharakan People in the shadow of Mount Kenya.

In a new article for Resurgence Magazine, Simon shares how, after decades of colonial and neo-colonial repression, Tharakans are reviving their custodianship of sacred natural sites, and their relationship with the bees they hold sacred.

By working with wild bees and attending to their needs, the people of Tharaka have been able to revive their traditional hive building skills, they are changing their agricultural practices towards agroecological methods, and building a more caring relationship with all the beings in their territory.

With animator Tim Hawkins, we’ve turned this inspiring story of decolonisation into a beautiful animation.