Rights of Nature

Barlow M., Bassey N., Biggs S., Cullinan C., Galleano E, Goldtooth T., Shiva V., Tutu D.,
The Rights of Nature: The case for a Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth (2011)

Barlow, M., Blue Future: Protecting Water for People and the Planet Forever (2014)

Berry,T., Every Being Has Rights (October 2003)

Biggs, S., Welcome to ‘frackland’: does a river have the right not to be polluted? (Open Democracy, 2014)

Burdon, P., ‘The Future of a River: Earth Jurisprudence and the Murray Darling Basin’ (2012)

Burdon, P., ‘The Rights of Nature: Reconsidered‘, 49 Australian Humanities Review 69 (2010)

Burdon, Peter. ‘Earth Rights: The Theory’, in IUCN Academy of Environmental Law (e-Journal Issue 2011 (1))

Council of Canadians, Fundacion Pachamama and Global Alliance, ‘Does Nature Have Rights: Transforming Grassroots Organizing to Protect the People and the Planet‘ 2010

Cullinan, C. and Oroza, P., ‘We Must Support a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth‘, The Huffington Post, 29 December 2009

Davies, B., ‘Does it make sense for the law to confer rights on the environment’, 23 ELM 2011, 122-127

Declaration – Blue Pavilion – Peoples’ Summit, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012

Earth Law Centre Fighting for our Shared Future: Protecting Both Human Rights and Nature’s Rights (2016)

Goldtooth, T. & Biggs S. Rights of Nature and Mother Earth: Sowing Seeds of Resistance, Love and Change

Indigenous Environment Network, Global Exchange & Movement Rights, ‘Rights of Nature & Mother Earth: Sowing the Seeds of Resistance, Love and Change’ (December 2015)

International Women’s Earth and Climate Initiative Declaration 2013

Ito, M., Being Nature – A European Citizens Inititative for Recognizing and Respecting the Inherent Rights of Nature, (New York,  September 2013)

Lake, O., Rights of Nature and an Earth Community Economy, (January 2013)

Mason, I. ‘Earth, Rights and insects: an holistic approach to environmental law’, 19 ELM 2007

Milam, Robin., Rivers and Natural Ecosystems as Rights Bearing Subjects   

Munson, M., Legal Expression of Indigenous Peoples’ Worldviews: An Analysis of the Proposed Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth, IUCN Policy Matters 66 (2010)

Nash, R, F., The Rights of Nature, A History of Environmental Ethics, (University of Wisconsin Press,1989)

Rights of Mother Earth website

Sheehan, L., ‘Nature’s rule of law through rights of waterways‘ in Voigt, C., (ed), Rule of Law for Nature: New Dimensions and Ideas in Environmental Law (Cambridge University Press, 2013) 230

Sheehan, L., Wilson, G., ‘Fighting for our Shared Future: Protecting Both Human Rights and Nature’s Rights’ (Earth Law Centre, December 2015)

Stutzin, G., ‘Nature’s Rights’, 210 Resurgence (2002)

United Nations Harmony with Nature documents

York, S., People’s Rights, Planet’s Rights: Holistic Approaches to a Sustainable Population, (2012)


Bassey, Nnimmo ‘Justice for the Earth Community: Defending the Rights of Nature and Holding Corporations to Account‘ filmed interview, Gaia Foundation, September 2011

Brenan, Tom, ‘Wild Law in the UK’ and Nadal, Carine (Gaia Foundation)., ‘Earth Law in Practice’ presentations at the Rights of Nature Conference, Nottingham Contemporary, UK video (January 2015)

Earth Law Centre Rights of Nature database

Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature International Rights of Nature Tribunal in Quito, Ecuador and Lima, Peru (2014) and Paris, France(2015) (see also film) with regional tribunals in U.S. (see also Web of Life Labyrinth) and in Australia.

Greene, Natalia., Rights of Nature interview at the Bioneers Conference (15 November  2011)

Ito, M., Rights of Nature, TEDxFindhorn 2016

Cullinan, Cormac., Earth Jurisprudence and Rights of Nature interview Democracy Matters Podcast (11 May 2011)

Sheehan, Linda., interviews Earth Jujitsu, TEDx talk (2013) and Sustainability Rights of Nature (2011)

Siemen, Patricia., The Rights of Nature, TEDx talk, 2013

Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth film

Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) webinar on ‘Rights of Nature: Protecting and Defending the Places We Live 2016

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