Earth Jurisprudence Seedling Reading List

A great starting point…

Berry, T. The Great Work: Our Way into the Future (Three Rivers Press, 2000)

Berry, T. ‘Every Being Has Rights‘ (23rd Annual Schumacher Lecture, 2003)

Berry, T., Evening Thoughts Reflecting on Earth as Sacred Community (Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, 2006

Burden P. Exploring Wild Law: The Philosophy of Earth Jurisprudence, 2011

Cashford, J., ‘Dedication to Thomas Berry’, in Peter Burdon (ed) Exploring Wild Law: The Philosophy of Earth Jurisprudence (Wakefield Press, 2011).

Cullinan, C. Wild Law: A Manifesto for Earth Justice , 2011

Further Reading…

Bell, M., ‘Thomas Berry and an Earth Jurisprudence‘ An Essay (2002)

Bell, M., ‘Why we need an Earth Jurisprudence system in the comox valley’, a Presentation to the Comox Valley Unitarian Fellowship (February 15 2009)

Berry, T. The Dream of the Earth (Sierra Club 1988)

Berry, T. The Universe Story (HarperOne 1994)

Brenan, T., ‘Stepping Stones‘ The Ecologist (15 April 2013)

Burdon, P. ‘Wild Law: The philosophy of Earth Jurisprudence‘ 35/2 Alternative Law Journal(2010)

Centre for Earth Jurisprudence, Groundswell Magazine

Cullinan, C., ‘A History of Wild Law’ in Peter Burdon (ed) Exploring Wild Law: The Philosophy of Earth Jurisprudence (Wakefield Press, 2011)

Gaia Foundation, ‘Earth Ethics Series’, edited by Stephen Frank (2007-2009)

Goodwin, B., How the Leopard Changed its Spots: Evolution of Complexity (Pheonix 1997)

Goodwin, B., Nature’s Due: Healing Our Fragmented Culture (Floris Books 2007)

Greene, H., ‘How We Get to an Ecozoic Society: Ecological Imagination/Common Sense‘, Center for Ecozoic Studies (2007)

Gundidza, Method, Submission to UN Harmony with Nature EJ Dialogue 2016

Harding S., ‘Earthly Rights‘, The Guardian (3 April 2007)

Higgins, P., ‘Towards a Garden of Eden’ in Peter Burdon (ed) Exploring Wild Law: The Philosophy of Earth Jurisprudence (Wakefield Press 2011)

Koons, J., ‘Earth Jurisprudence: The Future of Law and The Planet‘, The Young Lawyer (July 2008)

Korten, David., The Great Turning – From Empire to Earth Community (Oakland: Berrett-Koehler, 2006)

Leopold, A., A Sand County Almanac with Essays on Conservation (New York: Oxford University Press 2001)

Mason, I., ‘Earth Jurisprudence’ 247 Resurgence March/April (2008) 26-27

Mason, I., ‘One In All: Principles and Characteristics of Earth Jurisprudence’ in Peter Burdon (ed)Exploring Wild Law: The Philosophy of Earth Jurisprudence (Wakefield Press 2011)

Munson, M. and Schaab, G. ‘The Intrinsic Value of Nature’, Resonances: Soundings from Law and Theology, Toward an Earth-Centered Jurisprudence (2009)

Naess, A., ‘The Shallow and the Deep, Long-Range Ecology Movement’, Inquiry 16 (1-4) 95 (1973)

Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Care for our Common Home (2016)

Shiva, V. ‘Paradigm Shift’ Resurgence 214 (September/October, 2002)

Shiva, V., Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability, and Peace (London: Zed Books Ltd 2005)

Shiva, V., ‘Earth Democracy Living Democracy’, Resurgence No. 222 (2004)

Swimme, B., The Universe is a Green Dragon: A Cosmic Creation Story (Bear & Company 1987)

Tucker, M. E., ‘Thomas Berry and the New Story: An Introduction to the Work of Thomas Berry‘, (2009)

Thiong’o, N., ‘Earth Jurisprudence in the African Context‘ in Peter Burdon (ed) Exploring Wild Law: The Philosophy of Earth Jurisprudence (Wakefield Press 2011)

UN Harmony with Nature Report to the General Assembly 2016

Webb, C., ‘The Mystique of the Earth: The Vision of Thomas Berry for an Earth Democracy’, 59 Caduceus Magazine (April 2003)

*For the practice of EJ principles in communities’ governance systems please see Community Ecological Goveranance section below.

ABN and The Gaia Foundation, Earth Jurisprudence interviews  at Schumacher College (September 2009) – Mpatheleni Makaulule on Earth Jurisprudence and Roger Chennels on Earth Jurisprudence

African Earth Jurisprudence Newsletters – Gaia Foundation

Berry, Thomas, Earth is Community, DVD, Conference organised by Gaia Foundation and Green Spirit Books (September 2007)

Berry, T., Transitioning to an Ecozoic Future (Faith Community Church, March 1997). See website for further media.

Thomas Berry website

Centre for Earth Jurisprudence Protecting our Common Home webinar series

Ecozoic Times

Gaia Foundation Evening on Earth Ethics and Governance featuring Pat Siemen, Ng’ang’a Thiong’o, Jorge Ishizawa, Gurdial Singh Nijar, Carlos Mares and Silvia Gomez, 2 October 2009

Earth Jurisprudence – Peter Burdon and Mari Margil interview with Phillip Adams on ABC’s LateNightLive (17th October 2011)

Higgins, Polly, ‘Eradicating Ecocide: Laws and Governance To Prevent the Destruction of our Planet‘ (22 February 2012)

Mason, Ian.,The Principles of Earth Jurisprudence (24 September 2008)

Moore, Helen., Earth Justice poem, Henwen Publications, 2012

Nature is Speaking films by Conservation International

Planetary, by Guy Reid and Bulldogfilm. See here for trailer

United Natures film by Peter Downey (2013) featuring Earth Jurisprudence advocates. See here for trailer.

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