In our stunning new animation, produced to celebrate Gaia’s 35th Birthday, we share our cosmology, our methods, and the inspiring partners from all over our living planet, with whom we work alongside.
Four of these inspiring individuals – Method, Sinéad, Mariana and Forrest, – are the narrators of our animation. Here we introduce you to them, their work to revive Mother Earth and how we came to know and walk alongside them on our mission to restore our planet’s biocultural diversity.
Beyond Bikita, Method has become a leading advocate for an Earth-centred shift in law and governance in Africa and globally. He has addressed the UN General Assembly, calling on them to take on an Earth-centred perspective, championed the Rights of Nature in international fora and played a vital role in helping convince the African Commission to formally recognise and call for the protection of Africa’s sacred natural sites and their custodian communities.
“When humans arrived, the sun and the moon did not stop rising and setting; the air, water and the Earth did not stop moving either and neither did the plants and the animals. Such is the order which humans found.” – Method Gundidza. Address to the UN General Assembly.
Today, Method is the Director of the Earthlore Foundation and brings his passion for the Earth to their wide-ranging and inspiring work.
Sinéad has played an integral role in realising this revolution in the UK and Ireland. She works with and supports our seed sovereignty coordinators around the UK and Ireland to train community groups, market gardeners and farmers in seed production, helping them re-gain the skills required for this lost art. She has organised our online conference The Seed Gathering as well as the annual Seed Week – to celebrate the seeds that feed us.
To-date, our Seed Sovereignty Programme has:
When Sinéad isn’t helping return diversity to our fields, she can be found wandering the woods looking for interesting fungi, crafting herbal lotions, potions and remedies, or playing a few tunes on the fiddle.
With support from Gaia and thanks in part to Mariana’s boundless energy, in 2013 Doima became the first municipality in Colombia to hold a ‘popular consultation’ (a local referendum enshrined in the Colombian constitution) on whether AngloGold Ashanti’s waste dame should be built in the area or not. More than 98% of voters rejected the plan and Doima’s victory catalysed a wave of similar popular consultations across the nation that have protected life-giving lands and waters from dozens of destructive projects.
“In Doima we have this saying that resistance is like a fire, you must keep feeding it and never let it go out. The people really want democracy, agriculture, and to keep their heritage. We will keep fighting against mining.” – Mariana Gomez.
Today, Mariana works for our Colombian sister organisation, Gaia Amazonas. She remains a driving force in YLNM, helping coordinate the network’s action across Latin America. The day we met her was a blessed one.
Since 2019, Gaia has been partnering on this exciting project. At Forrest and AFC’s invitation, we have brought our expertise in eco-cultural mapping and community dialogues to Penpont, working with all involved to build a shared understanding of Penpont’s past and present, and a collective vision for the land’s future.
In partnership with Forrest, Gaia is also seeking to co-establish the UK’s first ‘Land Library’ at Penpont, which will double as an educational centre and residential retreat for the project. Following the example of the Rocky Mountain Land Library in Colorado, USA, the Penpont land Library will be a place where people of all ages can both connect with Nature and be immersed in the endless array of books celebrating our living planet in all her diversity.
We are at the beginning of this journey, but we cannot wait to see where the path takes us all at Penpont.